"We are living a public life on a global stage, the ones who can express themselves best, will be heard." -Laura Hill Timpanaro, Artist, Author, Educator

Sunday, April 30, 2017

#Whatisschool Thursday March 16, 7 PM EDT
Turning Students Into Global Digital Citizens

For the first time in history nearly half the world’s population is under the age of 26.  While that might not seem significant to you to future governments, economies and the environment this shift can have far reaching implications.  Why?  Because only some segments of the population are keeping pace with the rapid technological development transforming our world.  How people collaborate, invent and work together in the future will have a profound effect on future generations.

Carl Sagan once defined an ideal citizenry as people “...with minds wide awake and a basic understanding of how the world works.”  Change that to define the ideal global digital citizen and you might add ethical connection and contribution, the ability to leverage technology on a global scale, and fostering community through compassion.  And since students today have a duo existence both in the technological world being created and the physical world we reside in, the ability to be a global digital citizen is crucial.

So how can we ensure that there is balance and that ALL students grow up with the opportunity to use their talents to shape the future?  Who will make the rules that govern how technology is used and how reality is blended?  Will it be for the common good or the enrichment of an elite few?

Join me Laura Hill (@candylandcaper) and Craig Kemp (@mrkempnz) March 16, 7PM EDT as #whatisschool explores ways to educate students to be Global Digital Citizens.

Questions #whatisschool March 16, 2017

1) How can we use technology to connect students with community on the local and global scale?
2) What roles can we create in the classroom to foster skills like project and digital management to build student’s capabilities?
3) How can we use technology to help students form their own critical, ethical questions and research solutions to real world problems?
4) How can we assist students in building Student Learning Networks (SNLs) that allow them to assess and realize their ideas?
5) What strategies can we use to help students become independent, collaborative learners?
6) How can we use our roles as educators, parents and leaders to work with students to build our global digital skills together?

Chat times for around the world are:
Thursday 4pm Pacific Time
Thursday 6pm Central Time
Thursday 7pm EDT
Thursday 11pm GMT
Friday 7am Singapore/WA (Perth) Time
Friday 9am AEST

Please Support The Arts www.laurahillbooks.com

Monday, April 3, 2017

#whatisschool “Exploring Genius Time in Schools"

What is School? “Exploring Genius Time in Schools"

Thursday April 6, 2017 7PM EDT

From Craig Kemp,

#whatisschool continuously inspires me – every week I come away with new ideas, new connections, and new learning! I am excited to be back again this week with the amazing Laura Hill.
This week we are looking at Genius time / Genius hour in schools and we will be discussing what it looks like, how people fit it in, the benefits of utilizing this concept and sharing resources of successes and failures in doing so.
We wanted to give you a pre-chat video this week that supports our topic. We love Derek Sivers and this video entitled “Obvious to you. Amazing to others”, sums up a lot of the work that we do in Genius time and we want you to use it as inspiration to bring your ideas to our chat this week.

Join #whatisschool this week to talk about Genius Time and its role in schools.

Remember that our chat times for around the world are: (updated 30 March 2017)
  • Thursday 4pm Pacific Time
  • Thursday 6pm Central Time
  • Thursday 7pm ET 
  • Thursday 11pm GMT
  • Friday 12am CET
  • Friday 7am Singapore/WA (Perth) Time
  • Friday 9am AEDT
  • Friday 11am NZT
Make sure you put this week’s chat in your diary and if you are not already signed up to our ‘Remind’ notifications – click here. We will send you an email or a FREE SMS just before our chat begins :)
Join the conversation on Thursday 6 April 7pm ET (Thursday 11pm GMT, Friday 9am AEDT, 11am NZT, 7am Singapore) as we discuss What Is School? #whatisschool 
Questions #whatisschool, April 6, 2017 7PM EDT
1) In your day to day work, what is obvious to you but amazing to others?
2) How do you inspire students & staff to share their ‘obvious’?
3) What does Genius time/hour look like in your school?
4) How do you integrate Genius Time into your already packed timetable?
5) What are the benefits and what are some examples of student work during Genius time?
6) What is your ONE piece of advice for someone about to start Genius time?

Read the books I write with my children.