"We are living a public life on a global stage, the ones who can express themselves best, will be heard." -Laura Hill Timpanaro, Artist, Author, Educator

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Whatisschool June 26, 2014

Thank You for another rousing #Whatisschool

As I reflect on the comments that whizzed past at lightning speed tonight, expressions and ideas about what school should be, what it could be; I was struck with a thought.  While it is great to talk about what we want to do, we need to set in motion a way to aid each other in actualizing our ideas.   We have a great opportunity to pump up our lesson plans and create something that could set in motion change for your whole school, student body and community.  This week I’d like to challenge you to think about an “I can” project for your class. It could be a huge project like my “Just Be You” PBL that explores talents and collaboration, or something as simple as using tech to enhance your weakest lesson plan.  Lets make it a summer project we will try out in the fall. Bring your ideas and be ready to collaborate with your peers as we shape the future in a way that is good for students, parents and teachers; creating a culture of leadership and exploration with out fear, together. -Laura

The Archive of tonight's chat (June 26) can be found below

How Will You Teach In The Future?

In the future, it's predicted that 65% of the today’s students will end up doing jobs that haven’t been created yet.  How can we determine what skills will be relevant to a workforce whose purpose has yet to be defined?  Join guest moderator Mark Weston @shiftpardigm and me, Laura Hill @candylandcaper,  this Thursday, June 26, 7PM EDT as we discuss #whatisschool with hundreds of educators and concerned people around the world.  

Meet ten-year-old robotics whiz Celine Roumani; how will you teach her?

Questions for this week's chat #whatisschool Thursday, June 26 7PM EDT are posted below.

Q1) We’ve been spending some time talking about what school is, tonight I’d like to ask what do think school should be?
Q2) What is one thing you would do to change how your school teaches?

Q3) The “I can” bug enabled teachers to motivate students and whole cities, what would your “I can” class be like?

Q4) What is a project you’d like to start at your school that would create change?

Q5) How would technology enable your project to reach students, teachers and parents around the world?

Q6) If you could create the school of your dreams what would it be?

Q7) What is one thing you would like to work on this summer that would change school next fall?

Join the conversation, re-imagine what school can be for students who will reinvent the world.

Guest moderator Mark Weston Ph.D. has spent the past 36 years working to enhance education by advising heads of state and civic leaders about education, information and communications technology (ICT), and public policy strategies in 13 countries, 42 state legislatures, and for the United States Congress. He has also served as the global education strategist for Dell Inc., and was the senior national manager for Strategic Educational Initiatives for Apple Computer.  Mark is co-author of The Learning Edge, What Technology Can Do To Educate All Children.

Archive of #whatisschool June 26, 2014

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Whatisschool June 19, 2014

Thank You!
For making this week's chat #whatisschool an inspiration and a roaring success.

Tonight, I was once again impressed by the amazing ideas and dedication of our global teaching community. You are a powerful and awesome force that has the best interests of our children at heart-that much is evident. But tonight I noticed something more, and as I reflect on our chat I think my idea will clarify.  Because what I saw tonight was a group of people who were capable of taking the reins in education and steering it down a path that would foster a generation of students who could work and think together without bias, just like we did tonight.  I can only image the creations that would come from a society that builds on talents, respect, understanding and trust.  The transcript of tonight's chat is embedded below.  New questions will be posted here at the top of the week. Please invite any you know who would enjoy being part of #whatisschool, Thursdays at 7pm, all are welcome.  And please, DM Craig @mrkempnz and I, Laura Hill @candylandcaper with your thoughts and ideas, we would love to hear them.

How are you reimagining your school?

Today, educators around the world are changing their schools, transforming halls of repetition based learning into centers for great ideas and action. In India, educator Kiran Bir Sethi used two little words, "I can," to create a contagious desire in her students to change their world.  This idea resulted in the the infection of the "I can bug" in hundreds of thousands of students across India.  Your actions today can creating the type of school that sparks curiosity, creates an insatiable desire for learning and nurtures thinkers and doers whose great ideas will change the world.

How are you changing your school? How would you like it to change? What could your students accomplish if they were given a chance?

Join us Thursday, June 19, 7pm EST as we discuss What Is School? #whatisschool

Related reading

The questions for this week's discussion are below:

Q1) If someone asked you, "What is school," what would you say? 

Q2) Every school is unique, what makes your school unique? Why?

Q3) If you could change one thing about school what would it be?

Q4) What is your biggest roadblock to change or should school not change at all?

Q5) What is the most crucial skill teachers need today?

Q6) If you could create the school of your dreams, what would it be like?

Q7) What is your 'takeaway' from today's chat? What are you going away to talk about?

Co-moderated by children's book author and edu speaker Laura Hill @candylandcaper and international educator Craig Kemp @Mrkempnz  Please contact either of us with your questions and ideas, we'd love to hear from you!


Thursday, June 12, 2014

#whatisschool June 12, 2014

                                                               THANK YOU!

For making our first #whatisschool a roaring success!
Please scroll down for tonight's archive.

Tonight was an amazing example of the passion and insight teachers bring to their profession.  Hearing new ideas and concerns from people all over the world was not only enlightening, but energizing, What I took away was, we are on the right path. Through dialogue and exchange teachers and concerned persons can shape the next generation of schools in an image that is not only good but will help nurture students who will blow us away with their great ideas.

The questions for next week's chat on THURSDAY June 19 will be posted here at the top of the week.  Please follow @candylandcaper and bookmark this site for updates. The archive of tonight's session is posted below.

Co-moderated by author, speaker Laura Hill @candylandcaper and international educator Craig Kemp @Mrkempnz  Please contact either of us with your questions and ideas, we'd love to hear from you!

What is school? And how does our impression of it change the way we teach?

In many people's minds school was created to fuel an industrial age workforce, creating methodologies that honed marketable skills during an exciting time of change.  Today we are on the brink of another exciting time of change, The Information Age. How will teaching change to match the needs of a new world that emphasizes technology and communication?  

Join us Thursday, June 12 at 7pm EST as we explore the possibilities #whatisschool 

We hope to create an unbiased forum where teachers can have voice in shaping the future by sharing their ideas, experiences and recommendations with other educators and interested persons around the world. The following TED talk by marketer Seth Godin provides a good perspective to start a conversation.

Here are the questions:

Q1) If someone asked you, "What is school," what would you say? 

Q2) How is school changing for today's students, teachers and parents?

Q3) What are some of the challenges modern educators face?

Q4) How can these challenges be overcome?

Q5) What is the impact of technology on literacy and creativity?

Q6) How have you integrated technology into your lessons?

Q7) If you could change one thing about school what would it be?

Q8) What is your biggest roadblock to change or should school not change at all?

Q9) What is the most crucial skill teachers need today?

Q10) If you could create the school of your dreams, what would it be like?

Co-moderated by author, speaker Laura Hill @candylandcaper and international educator Craig Kemp @Mrkempnz  Please contact either of us with your questions and ideas, we'd love to hear from you!

Archive: What Is School June 12, 2014

laurahillbooks@gmail.com  http://candylandcaper.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Kick off fall with a visit from Laura Hill

Kick off  fall with a visit from Great Story World Mix-Up author, scholastic speaker and co-creator of  international twitter talk #whatisschool, Laura Hill.

Dear Laura- 
Thank you so much for today’s successful author visit! The students had so much fun! Several teachers have already commented on your presentation, calling it engaging and inspiring. I’ve put the pictures up on the library bulletin board and I can’t wait for the students to see it tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted on our student writing and artwork. Thanks again!! -Media Specialist PAMES 

"When we come in to speak and the students see my co-author daughters who are 8 and 11, they see themselves reflected on stage.  I can almost hear them thinking- Hey, if those kids can do it, so can I!  It's a beautiful thing." -author Laura Hill

Click here for more information about visits and pricing.

Thank You For All Your Support!  

Enjoy the summer and all the writing tips and activities on this site.

I look forward to tweeting with you @candylandcaper and hearing your ideas #whatisschool, an outstanding international twitter chat Thursdays at 7PM EDT

Read the books I write with my children.