"We are living a public life on a global stage, the ones who can express themselves best, will be heard." -Laura Hill Timpanaro, Artist, Author, Educator

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Kick off fall with a visit from Laura Hill

Kick off  fall with a visit from Great Story World Mix-Up author, scholastic speaker and co-creator of  international twitter talk #whatisschool, Laura Hill.

Dear Laura- 
Thank you so much for today’s successful author visit! The students had so much fun! Several teachers have already commented on your presentation, calling it engaging and inspiring. I’ve put the pictures up on the library bulletin board and I can’t wait for the students to see it tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted on our student writing and artwork. Thanks again!! -Media Specialist PAMES 

"When we come in to speak and the students see my co-author daughters who are 8 and 11, they see themselves reflected on stage.  I can almost hear them thinking- Hey, if those kids can do it, so can I!  It's a beautiful thing." -author Laura Hill

Click here for more information about visits and pricing.

Thank You For All Your Support!  

Enjoy the summer and all the writing tips and activities on this site.

I look forward to tweeting with you @candylandcaper and hearing your ideas #whatisschool, an outstanding international twitter chat Thursdays at 7PM EDT

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