"We are living a public life on a global stage, the ones who can express themselves best, will be heard." -Laura Hill Timpanaro, Artist, Author, Educator

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Whatisschool July 3, 2014

Thank you! For another amazing conversation #whatisschool

Wow! Thank you again for turning up in droves to talk passionately about the future of our schools.  As I think about my own motivation, as an author who writes with kids, as a speaker who inspires students and educators, and as a parent with two children in elementary school and a vested stake in the outcome of these talks, I am humbled and amazed that so many of you give your time, energy and ideas to make school a better place.  Some of your students you will see for years to come but others you may never see again.  That one spark you ignite in them, that one idea, a hope that turns into action can change the course of the world.  I believe we are doing that now, sparking ideas that will change the world.  Put your ideas into action, be bold, be brave! We can do this together.  -Laura

The archive of tonight's chat (July 3) can be found below.

What Jobs Are You Preparing Students for?
#WhatIsSchool July 3, 2014 7PM EDT

For the last few weeks we have been thinking about how we define school and how the scholastic system is changing from an industrial model to a communications model brought about by a rapidly growing technology sector.  The questions I’d like to think about this week focus less on how we define school and more on the type of jobs we see our students doing in the future.  How we can prepare students for the fantastic opportunities they will play a part in creating? What can we do to tweak our lessons, teaching methods and technology to educate today’s students to become tomorrow’s thought leaders?

16 year-old Ann Mavosinski saw a problem in education. Her friend was failing to study for a simple reason, there wasn’t enough electricity to power lights so she could study at night. Anne took the problem into her own hands and solved it. Watch her video to see how.

Many thanks to Regina McCurdy @reginamccurdrp, who forwarded this video to me during 
last week's #whatisschool 

Questions for this week's chat #whatisschool Thursday, July 3 7PM EDT are posted below.

Q1) 65% of the jobs students will do in the future don't exist yet. What do you think these jobs will be?
Q2) How are the teaching strategies you are using, preparing student's for these jobs?
Q3) What strategies, technologies or classes would you add, real or imagined, to help teach skills your students will need?
Q4) Students are already able to solve real world problems. How can you foster these skills in your classroom?
Q5) Think of a real world problem you and your students could solve - share some ideas ...
Q6) Why did you choose this problem, how can your student's solve it?
Q7) How will you support your students in solving this problem using inquiry, trial & error & technology?

Archive #Whatisschool July 3, 2014

Join the conversation, re-imagine what we are educating students to do so they can blow us away with their ideas.

Co-moderated by children's book author and edu thought leader Laura Hill @candylandcaper and international educator Craig Kemp @Mrkempnz  Please contact either of us with your questions and ideas, we'd love to hear from you!


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