"We are living a public life on a global stage, the ones who can express themselves best, will be heard." -Laura Hill Timpanaro, Artist, Author, Educator

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Whatisschool September 11, 2014

Amazing Conversation on EDTECH in the Classroom

The archives are up for tonight's #whatisschool edtech chat, it was truly amazing.  The ideas flew by so rapidly it was impossible to keep up, and this was the easy week!  Mark your calendar for next Thursday when Steve Anderson @web20classroom brings his edtech expertise to the #whatisschool forum.  I'll be posting the questions early so you can get this most out this great opportunity to ask an expert how and why edtech can work in your classroom.  Tonight's archive is posted below. 

Educational Technology, #WhatIsSchool
 September 11, 2014 7PM EDT

As we race towards graduating our first classes of digital natives into a workforce that is evolving as quickly as technology; educators find themselves excited, confused, determined and frustrated as they try to infuse their curriculum with technology and teaching methods that will provide students with the skills they will need.  It is no longer a question of should we add technology, it's an obligation that comes with giving students their best chance in success.  So what technology should you be adding, taking away or ignoring all together?  For the next two weeks #whatisschool will explore the evolving role of technology in classrooms and how its changing the way we teach, think and interact.

Questions for this week's chat #whatisschool

Thursday, September 11, 2014 7PM EDT

Q1) What technologies have you used in your classroom, what do you wish you could use?

Q2) What is your biggest hindrance to using technology in the classroom, how can you overcome it?

Q3) What would you say to peers, administrators or parents who are skeptical about the value technology adds to class?

Q4) What strategies and technologies could you use to increase student engagement and student voice?

Q5) How would these strategies and technologies better your school and the community it is in?

Q6) How could you create a support system of educators, students and parents to make your classroom technology successful?

Co-moderated by children's book author and education thought leader Laura Hill @candylandcaper and international educator Craig Kemp @Mrkempnz  Please contact either of us with your questions and ideas, we'd love to hear from you!

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