"We are living a public life on a global stage, the ones who can express themselves best, will be heard." -Laura Hill Timpanaro, Artist, Author, Educator

Friday, November 14, 2014

Whatisschool November 14, 2014

Thank you for joining us for another amazing chat #whatisschool. As I sit down each week to write the questions and vet the ideas I think are important to you, I find I get very reflective.  Pouring through the archive, sometimes for hours, is a real eye opener not only showcasing the questions educators are asking but the brilliant solutions you are finding to the changing environment you find yourself in each day. You are heroes, you are learners you are inspiration, you are teachers.  My daughters are your students now and the lessons they learn will shape who they become. Be bold, be loud, make yourself heard! I am thankful to have such an amazing PLN. Archive from this week's chat is below. 

How Does Communication Effect Teaching?
#Whatisschool Thursday, November 14, 2014 6PM EST

 "We are living a public life on a global stage, the ones who can express themselves best, will be heard." -Laura Hill, Author The Great Story World Mix-Up, co-creator #whatisschool

As we quickly move toward a communications based workforce students who have mastered the ability to communicate are the ones that will be heard.  So how do we maximize these capabilities when we don’t even know how students will be communicating?

Dr. Hussein S. El-Ghoroury, CEO and Founder of California based tech developer Ostendo, thinks he has found one of the answers to the future of communication in a 3-D smart phone based holographic interface that uses nanotechnology to project real time images from a camera no bigger that the one on an iphone.   Due out in consumer markets this summer Dr. El-Ghoroury had this to say in a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal:

“Imagine if everything coming back to you was in 3-D-all your shopping, all your gaming, everyway you receive data.”

Dr. Hussein S. El-Ghoroury, CEO and Founder of  Ostendo

So, how are you preparing students to communicate in the future?

 Questions #Whatisschool 
Thursday, November 14, 2014 6PM EST
Join us for this special time change this week!

1) What methods of communication have you employed to expand your students' ability to communicate?
2) Which methods or technologies do students use to communicate with peers? Are they same as those used in school?
3) How can students and teachers employ these methods and technologies to strengthen communication skills?
4) How do you see people communicating in the future? How can you build student skills to replace forms that are obsolete?
5) Think of some ways, real or imagined, that would strengthen student' communication skills on a global stage?
6) What role, if any, does communication play in students becoming future leaders, creators and thinkers?

#whatisschool is an international twitter forum co-founded by author, speaker Laura Hill and tech teacher Craig Kemp that attracts thousands of educators who come together to re-imagine school in order to give students the skills they need to be leaders, inventors and creators in a global digital/communication economy.  Join us every Thursday night at 7PM EST, questions and archives of each week's chat are posted below.  To bring  #whatisschool to your school email Laura Hill or contact me on twitter @candylandcaper.  I hope you join us! -Laura

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