"We are living a public life on a global stage, the ones who can express themselves best, will be heard." -Laura Hill Timpanaro, Artist, Author, Educator

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Whatisschool December 11, 2014

It was such an incredible chat tonight, so many great ideas flying by it was hard to keep up. My take away was that we are more than ready to operate on a global level and bring this to our students, the question is how. As we move forward implementing ideas that will shape education for the betterment of students, teachers and parents we need to find ways to create consistency to make sharing easy. What we do on twitter as PLN is a great example. Thank you for joining us each week and making #whatisschool one of the best chats in the twitterverse. You are amazing!  Archives are below.

Creating Global Collaboration Project
#Whatisschool Thursday, December 11, 2014 6PM EST

Global collaboration is a buzzword in education conjuring up images of children using instant imaging to join classrooms halfway around the world or authors and experts sharing their experiences with large audiences in remote locations.  But recently it has become much more. Collaborative projects augmented by technology have transformed classrooms and communities around the world by taking ideas and bringing them to life. So how do educators set up successful global collaborations?

"We can learn from each other and so enrich our own lives. We need not all be equal in order to live together. And sometimes we are more equal than we want to admit it." –The Inside Out Project

The Inside Out Project focuses on using artistic expression to create great collaborations.  This building in Wupperthal, Germany was covered in portraits as part of the Different Views Project, which promotes racial tolerance by using photographs to bring together people of different ethnicities, religion, culture and origin.  The hope? To show that being different opens up more possibilities for all of us and should be celebrated.

So what can you and your students create using global collaboration?

Questions #Whatisschool Thursday, December 11, 2014 6PM EST

1) How can global communication be used to share teaching expertise throughout a student body or global community?
2) What lesson would you add an aspect of global collaboration to?
3) How can you use modern and traditional communication to gain support, interaction and feedback from your community?
4) How could the learning environment be changed to create your ideal global classroom, what tools would you need?
5) What experiences, successes or failures do you anticipate collaborating on a global scale would bring, what would students learn?
6) Can you initiate a student led collaborative project or challenge with your class using global collaboration to solve it?

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