"We are living a public life on a global stage, the ones who can express themselves best, will be heard." -Laura Hill Timpanaro, Artist, Author, Educator

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Whatisschool March 26, 2015

Integrating Technology Into Your Classroom
#Whatisschool March 26, 2015 7PM EDT

Last week #whatisschool took an in-depth look at education technology, the highs and lows and what successful educators are looking for in apps.   This week we continue the conversation focusing on integrating EdTech into lessons and educating parents and administrators about technology use in your classroom.

"Effective integration of technology is achieved when students are able to select technology tools to help them obtain information in a timely manner, analyze and synthesize the information, and present it professionally. The technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions -- as accessible as all other classroom tools." – National Educational Technology Standards For Students, International Society For Technology In Education.

So how do you successfully integrate technology into your lesson plans?

Questions for #Whatisschool
March 26, 2015 7PM EDT

1) What does technology integration mean to you?
2) What does technology integration look like at your school?
3) How do you integrate technology into lessons to provide meaningful learning and critical thinking?
4) How would you respond to parents questioning blended learning, BYOD or other EdTech integration?
5) How do you get buy in for grade-wide EdTech integration in core subject like math, science, and STEAM?
6) What do you believe is the real student value of adding technology your classroom?

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Whatisschool March 19, 2015

Navigating The Sea Of Educational Technology
#Whatisschool March 19, 2015 7PM EDT

In a 2012 PEW Report Judy Buchanan, deputy director of the National Writing Project said,
"The Internet is changing the very nature of how teachers engage in their profession and collaborate with one another.  The key moving forward is to ensure that all educators have equal access to the vast resources available online, and the encouragement and training to use them in groundbreaking ways."

Judy Buchanan
While EdTech has become an essential instructional tool for many educators around the globe, the discussion between supporters citing increased student-teacher productivity and critics who question the effectiveness noting gaps in instructional ability and availability for student in-home use, has also heated up.  So how do you get past all the bells and whistles to integrate really meaningful technology into your lesson plans?

This week #whatisschool explores the groundbreaking hits and misses of Educational Technology and looks toward future trends in a rapidly changing market that earned $4.4 trillion in 2013, with e-learning accounting for a $91 billion chunk of that.

Questions for #Whatisschool
March 18, 2015 7PM EDT

1) Is Educational Technology essential for success in your classroom?
2) Which technologies have you integrated with great success or failure?
3) What favorite apps have you used to enhance your teaching and learning programs?
4) How can technology be integrated with real world learning or critical thinking applications?
5) How can you get buy-in and teach others to effectively use and navigate EdTech trends?
6) How can you and your students help each other create an effective EdTech program?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Whatisschool March 12, 2014

What makes a good PLN?

Join #whatisschool Thursday, March 12 at 7PM EST

For many of us our PLN emerged spontaneously due to like attitudes and interests fostered on social media, especially twitter, where personal learning networks spring like blossoms from the screen.  Other PLNs are created amongst co-workers or individuals in like-teaching tracks  But what happens when your PLN needs revitalization, when those initial questions that brought you together are answered? How can you help each other turn your ideas into action and in turn help others looking for answers?

This week #whatisschool explores your PLN and ways you can keep it as fresh and exciting as the first day you pushed the follow button.

Questions for #whatisschool 
Thursday, March 12 at 7PM EST

Q1)  What attributes make for a Healthy & Productive PLN? What 2 attributes do you seek in a PLN?
Q2) In a Healthy & Productive PLN what responsibilities should members have? Do rules help or hurt?
Q3)  What are the key DOs & DON’Ts for PLN members? Give examples & tell us why…
Q4) What are the tell tale signs that a PLN has become dysfunctional? What can you do to help?
Q5) For Social Media based PLN’s, what options do people have for resolving issues that arise?
Q6) How can we ensure that all members of a PLN have a voice, are heard & issues are addressed & resolved?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Whatisschool March 5, 2015

How will classrooms changing in the future?
#whatisschool, March 5, 2015 6PM EST
Two roads converged in the forest, one well worn, and the other less trodden.  Which path leads to happiness, success, and fulfillment?  Which is full of danger, intrigue, and the unimaginable?  Which one is right, which one is wrong, the answer may surprise you!  This week #whatisschool takes a look at the less traveled path as we re-imagine the future of classrooms.

“Learning happens spontaneously in these purposefully chaotic environments.”- Sugata Mitra

In his school in the cloud Education Scientist Sugata Mitra promotes a methodology of learning driven by “a global community that connects Self-Organised Learning Environments in an organic movement towards a more inclusive, universal education.” While this sounds like a mouthful the basic premise of a SOLE or Self Organized Learning Environment, is to let students collaborate, use the internet and learn in their own style, teaching each other while being gently prodded by an adult mentor.  To accomplish this Mitra combines a new attitude toward designing classrooms and toward teaching methodology. 

As children continue to gain voice and focus their talents at increasingly younger ages on solving real world problems, how will you change your classroom and your mindset?

How will classrooms changing in the future?
Questions #whatisschool, March 5, 2015 6PM EST

Q1)  How would you re-imagine your classroom to create a SOLE learning environment? NT the explanation is in the set up
Q2) What new topics can you imagine teaching in 20 years?
Q3)  How will the classroom environment need to change to teach these topics?
Q4) How does technology fit into your new classroom?
Q5) How does nature and collaborative space fit into your classroom?
Q6) How can you include student voice in growing a futuristic classroom and mindset?

Read the books I write with my children.