"We are living a public life on a global stage, the ones who can express themselves best, will be heard." -Laura Hill Timpanaro, Artist, Author, Educator

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Whatisschool March 12, 2014

What makes a good PLN?

Join #whatisschool Thursday, March 12 at 7PM EST

For many of us our PLN emerged spontaneously due to like attitudes and interests fostered on social media, especially twitter, where personal learning networks spring like blossoms from the screen.  Other PLNs are created amongst co-workers or individuals in like-teaching tracks  But what happens when your PLN needs revitalization, when those initial questions that brought you together are answered? How can you help each other turn your ideas into action and in turn help others looking for answers?

This week #whatisschool explores your PLN and ways you can keep it as fresh and exciting as the first day you pushed the follow button.

Questions for #whatisschool 
Thursday, March 12 at 7PM EST

Q1)  What attributes make for a Healthy & Productive PLN? What 2 attributes do you seek in a PLN?
Q2) In a Healthy & Productive PLN what responsibilities should members have? Do rules help or hurt?
Q3)  What are the key DOs & DON’Ts for PLN members? Give examples & tell us why…
Q4) What are the tell tale signs that a PLN has become dysfunctional? What can you do to help?
Q5) For Social Media based PLN’s, what options do people have for resolving issues that arise?
Q6) How can we ensure that all members of a PLN have a voice, are heard & issues are addressed & resolved?

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