"We are living a public life on a global stage, the ones who can express themselves best, will be heard." -Laura Hill Timpanaro, Artist, Author, Educator

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Whatisschool August 28, 2014


Thank you for sparking my imagination!

Tonight's chat #whatisschool brought me back to the roots of why I started in this chat in the first place. Education is shifting rapidly from training students for an industrial workforce to educating for a tech driven, communications based workforce that interacts on a global stage. Through my own children I see possibilities I never imagined as they create, code, invent and inspire. I see things I wished for as a child myself, like holograms, which are now becoming common place as stars, alive and dead, are transported into live shows and onto runways. We are living in an amazing time and you, as educators, are at the core. Spread the word about ideas discussed here, make it grow so as education evolves it will do so in the image teachers envision, not those who seek only to profit or gain power through control. Do it for the students, they are counting on you.  Archives are posted below. 
I have a bit of deep thinking to do. -Laura

Re-imagining school, what will you do this fall?
#WhatIsSchool August 28, 2014 7PM EDT

As we speed towards graduating the first generation of digital natives it is still unclear; what jobs will they hold? How will their education serve them? Will they be prepared to be the communicators, inventors and thinkers that this century needs or will they be left behind?  

This week #whatisschool goes back to its roots, creating change in education that is good for students, parents and teachers. Join us as we explore the opportunity to re-create school in a way that serves the people who rely on us.  

Questions for this week's chat #whatisschool 

Thursday, August 28, 2014 7PM EDT are posted below.

Q1) Is teaching a job, a lifestyle or a responsibility?
Q2) What skills will your students NOT have when they graduate school?
Q3) What jobs are YOU preparing your students for?
Q4) Through technology, method and new ideas how are you changing school to keep pace with the evolving communications economy?
Q5) A hundred years from now how will school have changed? What do you want it to be?
Q6) How can you change to ensure students get the education they need to succeed in a global economy?

Co-moderated by children's book author and education thought leader Laura Hill @candylandcaper and international educator Craig Kemp @Mrkempnz  Please contact either of us with your questions and ideas, we'd love to hear from you!


Co-moderated by children's book author and education thought leader Laura Hill @candylandcaper and international educator Craig Kemp @Mrkempnz  Please contact either of us with your questions and ideas, we'd love to hear from you!


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Read the books I write with my children.