"We are living a public life on a global stage, the ones who can express themselves best, will be heard." -Laura Hill Timpanaro, Artist, Author, Educator

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Whatisschool October 16, 2014

Thank You! For another amazing conversation.

Every week when we get together I am surprised and overwhelmed by the amount of passionate educators and concerned people who join the conversation.  These ideas we are sharing are important! Get fired up about how you are teaching, what you are focusing on and how the students you educate will effect the world they will one day join as adults. Your influence could be exactly the inspiration a student who doesn’t fit the mold needs and who knows, that student could be the one whose great idea changes the world! We owe it to ourselves, our students and stakeholders, to re-imagine school in a way that continues to make it evolve, creating a richer and more nourishing environment than ever before.  The archive from tonight’s chat is posted below. 

Homework and Learning, #WhatIsSchool
 October 16,  2014 7PM EDT

Children learn in many different ways, through play, lessons, repetitive drills, critical thinking and problem solving.  But where does homework fit into all of this?  Are the lessons learned in school being reinforced or are we taking away time from personal growth that would lower stress, increase grades and add to family time by providing more opportunity for play, conversation and invention? This week #whatisschool examines the association between learning, testing, homework and play by exploring what works and what doesn’t in schools around the world.

Alfie Kohn, author of thirteen books on education and parenting had this to say…

Questions for this week's chat #WhatIsSchool
Thursday, October 16, 2014 7PM EDT

1)  Do students learn by doing homework? Why is it given?
2)  Would student learning increase or decrease with more time for exploration, play and peer interaction during or after school?
3)  What impact does class size, differentiated leaning and free time have on student success?
4)  How can technology be used in student learning after school?
5)   Does standardized testing help students learn? Does it help teachers teach?
6)   If you could change one thing immediately to increase student success and your ability to teach, what would it be?

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