Join #whatisschool Thursday, October 9 7PM EST
as we tackle the basics of"based learning"
Looking at education today we can find many teaching styles based on specific teaching methodology, many which begin with a name followed by "based learning." Project based learning, problem based learning, inquiry based learning, game based learning even zombie based learning (yes, that's right) has come into vogue. As we steer our students and classrooms towards a future workforce focused on critical thinking, problem solving and technological solutions it's easy to find yourself wondering, which "base" is best.
Join us this week as #whatisschool explores that basics of "bases," what works and what doesn't and how to create your own out of the box learning base that integrates core competencies and technology to engage and enrich your students.
Here's a look at the Ted Ed lesson that explains the learning behind ZBL, one of the latest bases, which focus' on understanding how geography and the push and pull factors of geographic movement, (ideas, resources, people) can save your life in case of, say, a zombie apocalypse.
Questions for #whatisschool Thursday, October 9, 7PM EST
Q)1What "based learning" style have you tried that made you and your students say "WOW!"
Q)2 How can learning bases be integrated with technology to solve real world problems?
Q)3 What benefits do you reap or see your students gaining from a learning base that is out of the box?
Q)4 Are learning bases something new or just a new way to repackage old ideas?
Q)5 What impact has technology had on the learning base you use the most, how can it be integrated to enhance the experience.
Q)6 What learning base, real or imagined would you like to try? (Pirate-BL, Alien-BL, culinary-BL, Pet-BL...)
Co-moderated by children's book author and education thought leader Laura Hill @candylandcaper and international educator Craig Kemp. Please contact either of us with your questions and ideas, we'd love to hear from you!
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