"We are living a public life on a global stage, the ones who can express themselves best, will be heard." -Laura Hill Timpanaro, Artist, Author, Educator

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Cyberbullying and Digital Citizenship, Privacy and Safety

#WHATISSCHOOL Thursday, October 5, 7PM EST

Cyberbullying and Digital Citizenship, Privacy and Safety

Cyberbullying, Privacy and Safety, are just some of the digital dilemmas challenging the world’s schools. At the same time, technology continues to expand and enhance the ways students can learn, connect, create, and collaborate. How do we help instill a sense of global citizenship, of civic-mindedness, and respect on the internet? What are some of the best strategies you have seen in practice in your school communities?

Join me Laura Hill @candylandcaper this Thursday, October 5 at 7pm EST as I team up with my #whatisschool co-creator Craig Kemp @mrkempnz to explore ways to increase student community and communication while decreasing the negative and sometimes deadly impact cyberbullying can have.

#WHATISSCHOOL Thursday, October 5, 7PM EST 

Q1 What does digital citizenship look like in a school?

Q2 How do we effectively teach digital citizenship in a sustainable fashion?

Q3 What are the BIG issues in schools in regards to digital citizenship?

Q4 What does your ‘digital citizenship curriculum’ look like?

Q5 What strategies are used to engage the whole school community in digital citizenship best practice?

Q6 What is the difference between digital citizenship and global citizenship?

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